Capitalism is the Answer – Socialism is the Problem!


Yes, Free Market Capitalism IS the answer to our economic malaise. America is the country of equal opportunity (not equal income) and self-improvement through economic and social mobility, not stagnation, stratification, and redistribution of other people’s money. Capitalism is founded on growth, innovation, unlimited production, and decentralized decision-making through free market pricing. Capitalism properly allocates our economic resources as citizens’ wish (not the government), rewards creativity, and expands the wealth “Pie” for all to share based on effort and contribution. Socialism is founded on personal immobility, government control of production through central planning, and price controls. Socialism predetermines and distorts proper allocation of goods and services as the government wishes (not the citizens), restricts innovation, and redistributes the existing wealth “Pie” based on arbitrary administrative decisions of the government “elite”.

While no system is perfect in all respects, history has proven that Free Market Capitalism works best for maximizing economic growth and prosperity and improving living standards. History has also shown that Socialism does not work and over time retards economic growth and prosperity, and produces a lower standard of living. The demise of communist Russia, China under Mao, and the current European Union fiscal and debt crises are recent examples of the failures of Socialism and central planning. Our government should realize that it cannot tax and spend America into prosperity. Only growth in the private sector can create long-term prosperity and new jobs for our nation. The government should get out of the way, reduce regulations, shrink spending and entitlements, reform personal and business taxes, and let the innovative forces of Free Market Capitalism work.

Our current socialist-oriented, anti-business government has assaulted and discouraged innovative opportunities by enacting legislation and imposing regulations that restrict our ability to engage domestically in creative and profitable endeavors. These policies, including taxation, have stifled domestic investment, encouraged companies to create new jobs offshore, and suppressed the economic growth for which our nation is famous. If Obama’s policies continue and he is reelected, the “Middle Class” will suffer most from the continuing consequences of our economic stagnation. The current “Middle Class” will increasingly join America’s “Dependent Class” who rely on government handouts that sustain and maintain lower living standards. Is this the future you want for our nation and your children?

The factors that have made our country great and the envy of the world are the equal opportunities to improve ourselves through personal hard work, innovation, risk-taking, and thrift. To grow and prosper as our nation has historically done, we need to return to our foundations and encourage entrepreneurial opportunities for wealth creation based on individual freedoms, free markets, private property ownership, and limited government. We don’t need a handout; we want a hand up. Without government support and encouragement for vibrant and profitable financial and business sectors, our economy will continue to underperform. This will result in less, if any, economic growth; less, if any, wealth to redistribute; and fewer, if any, new jobs. Wealth is not created by attacking the institutions and individuals who create it. The choice for the future of our country will be ours at the 2012 election. Vote wisely.

The Old Guy PhD

Government Imposed Uncertainties Hurt Economic Growth!


In nearly every analysis or survey of why business and financial institutions are not currently hiring or investing in America, the primary reason given is “uncertainties”. While dealing with economic uncertainties is a normal part of business decisions, the Obama Administration and Democrats in Congress have created additional administrative and legislative uncertainties that are unnecessary and detrimental to growth. Removal, or at minimum temporary suspension, of these government obstacles to investment, growth, and job creation would allow business and financial institutions to get America moving again.

Summarized below are the current government-sponsored complications that are discouraging job creation, capital investment, and the economic growth that we would expect from business during a normal expansion. I apologize in advance for its length but the issues are important and merit nominal analysis. Please review the information below and ask yourself, “If I were a business manager or a banker, would I risk my own money to expand, startup a new business, or make loans in this restrictive and uncertain regulatory environment?”

Fiscal Deficit & Debt Crisis: These two related issues are by far our greatest overall national risk! Fortunately we have a very comprehensive, rational, and bipartisan solution available, which was initially sponsored by President Obama. It is the Bowles-Simpson Debt Reduction Commission Report, “The Moment of Truth”. Unfortunately, President Obama and Congress have ignored this proposal since its completion. I have extensively discussed and still support this positive and bipartisan solution, (see “Bowles & Simpson Have it Right!” “Obama Ignores Bowles-Simpson Debt Reduction Commission – Again?” and “Is Obama Really Serious about Debt Reduction?”). The commission’s report, which was approved by a majority of 61% of the bipartisan members, has languished in obscurity since it was completed and presented to President Obama early this year. The recommendations from the commission cover all the necessary aspects of an implementable comprehensive solution to the our fiscal and debt crises including significant tax reform, reductions in discretionary and defense spending, and entitlement reforms including Social Security. For reasons that are a mystery to me, neither Congress nor the President appears to be considering this report in their current discussions. The President and the Democrats are not only totally ignoring a rational solution but have been fighting for months to avoid even minimal reductions from the inflated federal budget spending of the last 2-3 years. How can anyone expect financial institutions or business firms to act positively with these uncertainties hanging over them?

Taxes: As repeatedly discussed in previous articles, both corporate and individual income tax reform is essential for economic growth and investment in our country (see “Fiscal & Debt Crises – Tax Reform Essential!”). We need to raise additional federal revenues by lowering tax rates (especially corporate tax rates), eliminating loopholes, subsidies, and unnecessary “tax expenditures”, broadening the tax base to include more taxpayers, and simplifying the tax code. Currently at 35%, corporate tax rates in America are among the highest in the developed world (corporate taxes in China are 25%, Russia 20%, Germany 15%, and Ireland 12.5%) and foreign profits are penalized if returned to the US. This is ridiculous and encourages job creation and investment overseas, not in the US!

Regarding broadening the tax base, over 51% of US families currently pay no income taxes but receive the benefits paid by taxes from the rest of us, especially the much maligned “wealthy” (who already pay 76% of total income tax revenues). The current Obama proposal is to add more taxes on the “Rich” by rescinding the “Bush Tax Cuts” sooner than they are scheduled to expire. Simple math demonstrates that the “Rich” don’t have enough income to pay for the current and projected Obama deficits. This is nothing but political demagoguery and class warfare in preparation for the next election and is neither rational nor a serious solution to our long-term government overspending problems. If we are to solve our deficit and debt crises, broadening the tax base can and must be accomplished.

In “Fiscal & Debt Crises – Tax Reform Essential!” noted above, I have outlined three overall reform alternatives: 1) Retain but simplify our current “Progressive tax system, 2) Adopt a “Flat Tax” (one tax rate for all), and/or 3) Adopt a “Fair Tax” (a consumption or “VAT” tax). I personally prefer implementation of the “Fair Tax” either alone or in conjunction with one of the other two alternatives.  However, any one or a rational combination of these alternatives will accomplish the necessary tax reform goals and stimulate economic growth. All have detailed proposals available to our government, which are currently being ignored. The current extension of the “Bush Tax Cuts” expires at the end of 2012. Would you hire new employees or invest in your business, if you didn’t know what your taxes would be in eighteen months?

Obamacare: Virtually all independent analysis indicates that implementation of the 2000+ pages of Obamacare will ADD not reduce healthcare costs and will probably result in a single payer government-controlled healthcare system with restricted options and limited services. Small businesses, the job growth engine of our economy, are particularly at risk. At last count, approximately 1450 organizations, including many unions, have been given Obama Administration waivers against required implementation of Obamacare because of the higher costs it demands. Equally importantly, no one really knows all the implications, costs, or unintended consequences of the legislation because the Obama Administration is still writing the rules. In two separate articles, I suggested market-based solutions to our healthcare issues, “How to Solve Healthcare Part I” and “How to Solve Healthcare Part II”. I lived and worked in England for the better part of ten years and can assure you government-run healthcare is costly (through taxation), inefficient, slow, and limited in providing medical services. Think long and hard before you support such a system in the US. Again, if you were a business manager and were faced with the higher costs, more administration, and uncertainties associated about healthcare rules that are still being written by the administration, would you add to your payroll costs by hiring new employees?

Dodd-Frank Financial Regulation: Like Obamacare, this legislation is lengthy, complicated and potentially expensive for the financial services industry and ultimately consumers. No one really knows all the implications or additional regulations of the legislation because they are still being written by the administration and will create many unintended consequences for consumers and the industry. The Act is perhaps the most significant change in financial regulation since FDR. It represents major changes to all financial regulatory agencies and affects most of the nation’s financial industry. Major new agencies have been created: Financial Stability Oversight Council, the Office of Financial Research, and the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. Perhaps the most controversial provision is the creation of the potentially big and expensive “Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection” within the Federal Reserve System (FRS). Very importantly, even though the new Bureau is placed within the FRS, it operates INDEPENDENTLY. The FRS is PROHIBITED from interfering with matters before the Director, directing any employee of the Bureau, modifying the functions and responsibilities of the Bureau or impeding an order of the Bureau. With virtually unlimited power and authority to act independently, without oversight, the agency can do whatever it deems appropriate supposedly to protect consumers! WOW! Have we become a potential police state regarding “consumer protection”! What ever happened to “Caveat Emptor” (let the buyer beware) and personal responsibility? Is the government going to protect us from everything and if so, how? How many new public-sector union employees will this take? What will it cost? Ultimately, businesses and consumers will end up paying for this new unlimited-power bureau with sweeping authority to do “whatever it deems appropriate to protect consumers”. This is a scary development and creates endless uncertainties as the bureau writes its new regulations. More government madness and not good for job creation (except in the government)!

Additionally, the “Durbin Amendment” gives the power to regulate debit card interchange fees (prices) to the FRS. Effectively this eliminates free markets for debit cards and allows price fixing by the FRS, which was acted on by the FRS this week!

This is not a good trend for freedoms or free markets and bodes poorly for the other uncertain regulations to follow. If you were a banker faced with these uncertainties and risks, what would you do?

Energy & Environmental Policy: An intelligent national energy policy is vital to support economic growth and minimize the very real and present dangers of disruptions in our essential imports of foreign supplies. This policy must include and recognize America’s economic necessities, national security concerns, and the time required and costs necessary for conversion from any current source to any new technologies without creating growth constrains. It must include ALL possible sources of domestic energy generation including fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, coal), nuclear, as well as green energy sources (wind, solar, biotech).

Obama has no apparent energy policy other than promoting the green energy sources to ostensibly support his “global warming” environmental agenda. This action is happening at a time when more and more evidence is challenging and refuting not only “global warming” theory but also CO2 as a causative agent, and at a time when energy demands and prices for fossil fuels are increasing with NO serious alternatives in sight for decades! Further, the dependency and risks from imports of fossil fuels to the US are staggering and the economic and national security consequences of a stoppage of these imports would be catastrophic for our nation. Obama’s administration is actively working against virtually every effort to explore and develop domestic sources of fossil fuels. Offshore drilling in the continental shelf and interior of the US is being severely restricted even though thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands) of good jobs could be created by actively pursuing known domestic reserves. Specifically, exploration and development of fossil fuel sources are being stifled by a lack of permits from the Administration and delays forced on development by environmentalists such as the EPA’s recent stoppage of Shell Oil’s permit to drill and develop a 27 billion barrel reserve in the Arctic Ocean off the coast of Alaska. (see “Obama Administration Attacks American Business Again!”)

The EPA is also trying to circumvent Congress’ refusal to pass “Cap and Trade” legislation by “backdooring” the regulations as new rules issued directly from the agency. Also, the EPA has proposed two new “clean coal” regulations regarding the use of coal in power plants that may result in “hundreds of thousands of coal industry jobs lost” and an estimated increase in the cost of coal produced electrical power by 11-23%. It is further estimated by a trade group that, in addition to the above jobs lost, the new regulations will cost the coal industry approximately $180 billion. For information, coal-fired power plants account for approximately half America’s energy supply.

I am not opposed to environmental protection or pursuit of green energy sources but, like many, am not convinced that global warming is actually occurring, and if so, is caused by humans or CO2. A rational and balanced national energy policy is needed. Restricting our domestic economy growth at a time of increasing global competition and increasing our dependency on foreign imports from a very volatile area of the world for the sake of a still unproven theory does not seem to me to be wise. It only creates more costs and uncertainties for our country and harms job growth, especially in the energy sector.

Pro-Union, Anti-Business Activism: The pro-union anti-business biases of the current administration are well documented and are detrimental to job creation, capital investment, and economic growth in America. Obama’s endless campaign speeches to unions, the stream of union activists to the White House, and repeated class warfare attacks on the “wealthy” are sufficient evidence of these biases.

Perhaps the most flagrant current example is the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) anti-business, anti-free market, and pro-union (not pro-labor) socialist attack on the Boeing Corporation and “Right-to-Work” States (see “Attack on American Business by Obama “packed” NLRB!” and “Obama “packed” NLRB Continues Attack on Boeing & Free Markets!”). Under Obama, the NLRB has become a pro-union activist body and is now deliberately attacking job creation and investment in America by attempting to stop Boeing, America’s #1 exporter, from final implementation of the firm’s new “Dreamliner” factory in Charleston, South Carolina. South Carolina is one of 22 “Right-to-Work” States, which don’t require (or prevent) hiring union workers. To date, Boeing has already invested approximately $1 billion and hired approximately 1000 workers in South Carolina. Boeing directly employs over 160,000 workers, and is indirectly responsible for approximately another 1.2 million jobs. Apparently to the NLRB, the only “good” American jobs are union jobs.

For years during and subsequent to the Bush Presidency, union activists and Democrats in Congress have prevented the passage of Free Trade Agreements with South Korea, Columbia, and Panama, which are favorable to American business, American exports, American consumers, and will create American jobs. The unions have delayed passage because imported goods coming into the country at lower prices will displace some workers. Really! This is the global free market at work, expands economic growth, creates wealth and jobs, and benefits all consumers who are provided with more product choices at cheaper prices. Finally, this week the Senate is holding hearings on these bills and hopefully, after years of delays and economic losses, will be passed and signed by the President. Just another uncertainty caused by government interference in the marketplace that has hurt job growth and consumers.

With these pro-union anti-business biases at the very top of our political leadership and government, is it any wonder that business is hesitant to hire and banks to loan?

Conclusion: Government needs to get out of the way! (see “Big Government IS Our Problem”) The above issues and the uncertainties they have imposed on our economy are indications of where Obama’s and the Democrat’s policies are leading us. Socialism and central planning don’t work – just ask the former Soviet Union or India. Free markets and individual freedoms do work! Obama is increasingly turning our nation into a centrally-controlled socialist welfare state with significant pro-union, anti-business biases and uncertainties that hurt us all. These policies are not the foundation of freedoms upon which our country was created and which made America great. It’s time to return to individual liberties, free markets, sound fiscal and monetary policy, and limited government. It is time to take back our country!

The Old Guy PhD


Obama “packed” NLRB Continues Attack on Boeing & Free Markets!


The Obama Administration and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) continue their anti-business, anti-free market, and pro-union (not pro-labor) socialist attack on the Boeing Corporation and “Right-to-Work” States (see “Attack on American Business by Obama “packed” NLRB!”). The NLRB was originally intended to be an impartial arbiter of labor elections and management/labor disputes, if necessary. Under Obama, the NLRB has become a pro-union activist, anti-business organization and is now hurting job creation in America.

How did we reach the situation where the NRLB apparently defines only “union” jobs as “good” jobs and is willing to support union membership over job creation? During the March 2010 Congressional recess, Obama temporarily “packed” the NLRB by filling 2 of the vacant positions with Craig Becker and Mark Pearce without Senate confirmation. Subsequently Pearce and a Republican nominee, Brian Hayes, were confirmed by voice vote in the Senate in June 2010 but Becker was not. Becker, a union activist and former Associate General Counsel of the AFL-CIO & SEIU, remains a temporary voting board member until the end of 2011. Obama also appointed “Acting” General Counsel, Lafe Solomon, during the same Congressional recess. This currently gives the NLRB a majority of members supporting activist union causes and biases their decisions in favor of “union” jobs and against American business.

The International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers Union (IAMAWU) are attempting to stop Boeing, America’s #1 exporter, from final implementation of the firm’s new “Dreamliner” factory in Charleston, South Carolina. South Carolina is one of 22 “Right-to-Work” States, which don’t require (or prevent) hiring union workers and account for 7 of the top 10 and 10 of the top 15 in the “2010 Best States for Business” report. To date, Boeing has already invested approximately $1 billion and hired approximately 1000 workers in South Carolina. (Please note: the new workers in South Carolina independently decided to be non-union!) Boeing had $29 billion in exports in 2009 (nearly 2% of our country’s total), directly employs over 160,000 workers, and is indirectly responsible for approximately another 1.2 million jobs.

Boeing is not required to employ union workers in South Carolina or obtain union permission to build a new plant anywhere in the US or the World. However, the history of union disruptions and delays in Washington State could support moving their entire business operation out of Washington State. Boeing has not done this. Instead Boeing is hiring 2000-3000 new union workers in Washington State while adding the new plant in South Carolina. What Boeing has done is to diversify their operations by expanding into a State with a more favorable business environment and reducing their risk of union-motivated business interruptions. Expanding into South Carolina is much better than expanding into South Korea, or Mexico, or China as Boeing could have done. As indicated in the referenced article, this latest attack on business and free markets is another very, very dangerous anti-business precedent being attempted by the unions with NLRB reinforcement to increase both union & government central control over free market business decisions in America. Is anybody in the Obama Administration really interested in economic growth and private-sector job creation in this country?

Not surprisingly, President Obama has been totally silent on this blatantly inappropriate and probably unlawful move by the unions to force private firms to get union approval for the location of business operations throughout our country. This action has now reached the second level in the process where the “Acting” General Counsel, Lafe Solomon, and the NLRB will rule as to the validity of the union’s demands. Given Obama’s bypassing of the Senate confirmation process, the IAMAWU’s complaint is expected to be approved by the “temporary” pro-union membership in the NLRB.  The process will then move into the US court system for appeals, probably all the way to the US Supreme Court. This process may take years to resolve and leave Boeing and other US business with even greater operational uncertainty than already exists under the Obama Administration policies. This is another government and union-imposed dagger in the heart of job creation, economic growth, and the free market decision-making process for American businesses. In the interim, what will be the on-going status of the new Boeing plant, US vs. foreign expansion decisions by other companies, and the domestic job growth they could provide?

If this bogus union complaint is allowed to proceed, businesses in the 22 states with “Right-to-Work” laws are in jeopardy of having union membership forced on them and American businesses throughout our country will be clearly encouraged to locate future business operations and jobs overseas. This is likely to be another inappropriate and unnecessary administration-created “slow-motion train wreck” for the stalled economy. How can President Obama, who now claims “jobs” are his most important priority, permit this disaster in our country?

This is just another example that Obama and his policies are increasingly turning our nation into a centrally controlled socialist welfare state. These policies are not the foundation of freedoms upon which our country was created and which made America great. It’s time to take back our country as soon as possible and return to individual liberties, free markets, economic growth, and limited government.

The Old Guy PhD

Obama Administration Attacks American Business Again!


In just the last few days, the Obama Administration has directly or indirectly initiated four (see below) separate anti-business actions against American corporations, which interfere with our national economic growth and prosperity. These actions are similar to strong-arm tactics initially used by authoritarian regimes to increase central government control and to decrease individual and economic freedoms. As I said in Tuesday’s OpEd, “Attack on American Business by Obama “packed” NLRB!”, this is a very, very dangerous precedent. The policies of President Obama do not represent the American free market, limited government culture I know and admire. Specifically, the actions taken in the last week are:

1) The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has agreed with a union complaint against Boeing and South Carolina to prevent Boeing from opening the nearly completed expansion plant in South Carolina for the 787 Dreamliner.

2) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Lisa Jackson has stopped a Department of the Interior’s previously approved Shell Oil request to drill and develop a 27 billion barrel oil reserve in the Arctic Ocean off Alaska.

3) The Health and Human Services Department (HHS) under Kathleen Sebelius has demanded the firing of the CEO of Forest Labs, a privately owned firm, under the coercive threat of refusing to do government business with the firm, if the CEO is not replaced.

4) The NLRB (again) is suing Arizona and South Dakota to invalidate a law requiring “secret ballots” for union recognition in those States. Two (2) other States have also passed similar laws. (How silly of me, I thought secret ballots were a fundamental part of our democratic freedoms.)

All of these actions represent intimidation or possibly even extortion by these government departments, agencies, and boards to bully privately owned businesses and even States of the Union to conform to the wishes of the current Administration. This is an unprecedented use of governmental administrative power in peacetime and is not in keeping with the freedoms we have enjoyed in this country for over two hundred (200) years. If this were happening in another country, we might call it “creeping fascism”. I sincerely hope this is not Obama’s intent.

Equally disturbing is the trend by the Obama Administration to bypass Congress and increasingly use administrative force, not legislation, to control and implement the Administration’s agenda and greater centralization of Presidential power. Evident in the actions above is promoting unions over business, environment over energy development, and intimidation of private businesses into conforming to healthcare and other administrative objectives. This centralization and probable misuse of administrative power is not good for our democracy or our nation.

The EPA’s frivolous and damaging action against Shell Oil is worthy of additional comment because of the importance of energy in our economy. This is another questionable environmental complaint by the EPA that forces Shell to abort its approved exploration and development of domestic oil resources in the Arctic Ocean off Alaska. The court ruling on the EPA claim is that the air quality of the remote village of Kaktovik, with less than 250 people and 70 miles away from the drilling site, will be “close to” the air quality standard (not above) based on the greenhouse gas emissions from an icebreaker servicing the site. Also claimed is the site is “too close” to ANWR (but not inside it) and wildlife will be endangered.

This action by the EPA comes at a time when higher domestic oil production is critical to reducing our dependence on vitally necessary oil from questionable foreign sources. The US currently consumes 18.8 million barrels of petroleum per day (approximately 6.8 billion/year) of which approximately 50% is imported. The proven US oil reserves are only 19.1 billion barrels. The Shell project in the Arctic Ocean was expected to add 27 billion barrels and 74 trillion cubic feet of natural gas of new US reserves, which would more than double the current level of US petroleum reserves! Shell has already invested almost $4 billion and over 5 years in the project, $2.2 billion for the leases alone.

This is another deliberate anti-business action by the Obama Administration, this time the EPA, and further stifles economic development, domestic oil production, American job creation, and encourages American businesses to move offshore. We do not need an authoritarian government that dictates to its people and its businesses what they can do, where they can do it, and how they can do it. If this policy is continued, it will restrict economic growth, innovation, job creation, and our personal liberties; AND it will further pressure our American enterprises to move to more business-friendly nations. I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who said, “That government is best which governs least.” This is good advice and should be remembered at the next election.

It’s time to take back our country and return to Constitutionally protected freedoms, free markets, economic growth, and limited government. Let’s get to work!

The Old Guy PhD


Attack on American Business by Obama “packed” NLRB!


The latest union-driven government-supported attack on business and free markets is against Boeing and South Carolina. This is another very, very dangerous anti-business precedent being attempted by the unions with National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) reinforcement, which would increase both union & government central control over free market business decisions.

After 4 crippling union strikes in Washington State in the last 2 decades (with 2 nearly back-to-back) and the most recent in 2008 costing Boeing an estimated loss of over $5 billion in revenue, Boeing decided to build an expansion plant for the 787 Dreamliner in South Carolina. Twenty-two (22) States, including South Carolina, are “Right to Work States” which don’t require (or prevent) hiring union workers. The Boeing plant in South Carolina is nearly complete and approximately 1000 workers have already been hired with 1000s more to follow (many from the soon to be closed NASA/Kennedy Space Center). Interestingly the new Boeing plant, if it is allowed to open in South Carolina, will be 100% powered by a combination of renewable energies.

The International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers at Boeing in Washington State filed a complaint with the NLRB to prevent Boeing from completing the new plant in South Carolina with non-union workers (as permitted by law). The NLRB, with a majority of union-supporting members has agreed with the Washington State-based union (big surprise). Obama temporarily packed the NLRB during the March 2010 Congressional recess by filling 2 of the vacant positions with Craig Becker and Mark Pearce without Senate confirmation. Subsequently Pearce and a Republican nominee, Brian Hayes, were confirmed by voice vote in the Senate in June 2010 but Becker was not. Becker, union activist and former Associate General Counsel of the AFL-CIO & SEIU, remains a temporary voting board member until the end of 2011. This currently gives the NLRB a majority of members supporting union causes and biases their decisions in favor of labor and against American business. Please note, the Democrat-controlled Senate prevented former President Bush from filling the 3 vacant appointments to the NLRB in 2007-08.

This will likely turn into another expensive and delaying lawsuit which, if unions and the NLRB win, will force businesses to get union or government approval on where and how to locate and operate their business operations within the US. This would be another potential disaster for capitalism and freedom in our economy and further encourages American businesses to move offshore. At a minimum it is a threat to all expanding businesses and the twenty-two (22) States that have “Right to Work Laws”, which were enacted to encourage competitive business operations and free markets. Timing could not be worse as we are just coming out of a recession and need job growth. Boeing has already committed significant time and money to the plant, which could be lost, and improved global competitiveness is crucial to the future success of American business. Is anybody in the Obama Administration really interested in economic growth and private-sector job creation?

Obama and his policies are increasingly turning our nation into a centrally controlled socialist welfare state. These policies are not the foundation upon which our country was created and which made America great.

It’s time to take back our country as soon as possible and return to individual liberties, free markets, economic growth, and limited government.

The Old Guy PhD