The November Election – A National Intelligence Test for America!


On November 6, 2012 Americans will have the most important opportunity in our lifetimes to determine the future course for our great country. At stake is nothing less than the fiscal survival of our currency, our individual freedoms, and our nation. Obama’s $1.3 Trillion annual deficits, the $16 Trillion National Debt, and our expanding entitlement programs are totally out of control. They will eventually destroy our country if they are not corrected. For important information about President Obama’s background and possible agenda, which have not been reported in the liberal media, I recommend that all voters regardless of political affiliation see the factual and unbiased documentary, “2016: Obama’s America”. This highly successful film is based on a NY Times Bestseller by Dinesh D’Souza and co-produced by Gerald R. Molen, who produced “Schindler’s List”. Before you vote, think very seriously and very deeply about Obama’s agenda, the policy alternatives presented by both parties, and their implications for the future of our children, ourselves, and America. Never in recent history has the intelligence and participation of American citizens been more crucial to our future.

President Obama in his Acceptance Speech at the DNC said, “This election is the clearest choice between two different visions for America.” ABSOLUTELY TRUE! At that same convention former President Bill Clinton regarding fixing the National Debt said, “It’s Arithmetic!” In the 1992 campaign Clinton also said, “It’s the Economy, Stupid!” Clinton is also right (no pun intended, but appropriate)! Unfortunately for America, the mistakes are that Obama and the Democrats are wrong with their “Vision”, wrong in their ability to do “Arithmetic”, and wrong in their performance on the “Economy”. The Democrats want to make this election about personality, misinformation, & blame of others for failure. Republicans want the election to be about rational policies, truth, and solutions. Obama and the Democrats, supported by a biased liberal media, are counting on the “Middle Class” to be too stupid to realize that they are being manipulated by words not action. Michael Knox Beran, author and contributing editor of City Journal, said, “A campaign based on so little comes perilously close to being an exercise in self-pity and a study in the very nearly pathological egotism of a man afraid to lose.”

This election IS the clearest choice between two different visions for America, which I have identified as Republican (R) and Democrat (D) in the following comparisons. Ignoring personality, as we should, this election is a clear choice between sound fiscal policy (R) vs. unsustainable fiscal policy (D), less government (R) vs. more government (D), more individual and business freedom (R) vs. less individual and business freedom (D), lower taxes (R) vs. higher taxes (D), free market capitalism (R) vs. centrally controlled neo-socialism (D), stronger national defense (R) vs. weakened national defense (D), private doctor-based healthcare (R) vs. central government mandated healthcare (D), strong foreign policy (R) vs. weak and apologetic foreign policy, and, perhaps most importantly, more support for the US Constitution (R) vs. less support for the US Constitution (D). These are the real issues we will be voting for or against in November. Do not make the mistake of letting the soaring rhetoric and a prejudiced liberal media systematically brainwash and deceive you into failing to think for yourself and to vote for what is right for the country.

The Democrats have tried hard to use slogans that imply that they alone care for the American people. Really? Can anyone NOT believe that both parties want everyone to have, “a fair shot”, “get a fair share”, and “play by the same rules” (see “Obammunism-What is ‘Fair’”)? Does anyone really think that Romney & Ryan are anti-women, anti-poor, anti-elderly, or anti-immigration? Can anyone seriously believe that Republicans will “end Medicare as we know it”, “throw grandma off the cliff”, or raise taxes on the “Middle Class”, when both Romney and Ryan categorically deny this. Can any intelligent person believe that a choice to support the overwhelming success of individual freedoms and free market capitalism vs. the historical and current failures in Europe of centrally planned socialism represent a “return to the failed policies of the past”? Can any thinking person believe that Obama’s “tax the rich and spend policy” will solve unsustainable entitlements, a $1.3 Trillion annual deficit, and the $16 Trillion National Debt Crisis? Does anyone believe that Democrats (other than Clinton) can do Math? As Clint Eastwood said at the RNC, “When someone doesn’t do the job we’ve got to let them go!” We will have our chance to “let them go” in November.

I believe that both Obama and Romney are essentially good men, as are Biden and Ryan. Many of the objectives for both parties overlap. Both want job creation, economic growth, and equal opportunities for all Americans. In addition, Romney/Ryan and the Republicans support The Constitution, private property rights, a realistic job-creating energy proposal, private doctor/patient-based healthcare, and actually have a plan to fix the Federal Deficit, solve the National Debt crisis, and balance the Federal Budget. The differences are in the communications, the vision and the policies.

This election IS a National Intelligence Test for the American people. Are we wise enough to study the issues, see through the fog, and vote our own minds for what is best for our country? What do you want, a President with a charming smile and clever rhetoric dedicated to his own reelection or a President dedicated to solving America’s problems with serious policies? I have faith in the ultimate wisdom of the American people to support individual freedom, free markets, sound fiscal and monetary policy, economic growth, and limited government over the Obama alternative. For me the answer is clear – “Save America-Elect Romney & Ryan in November!”

The Old Guy PhD

Capitalism is the Answer – Socialism is the Problem!


Yes, Free Market Capitalism IS the answer to our economic malaise. America is the country of equal opportunity (not equal income) and self-improvement through economic and social mobility, not stagnation, stratification, and redistribution of other people’s money. Capitalism is founded on growth, innovation, unlimited production, and decentralized decision-making through free market pricing. Capitalism properly allocates our economic resources as citizens’ wish (not the government), rewards creativity, and expands the wealth “Pie” for all to share based on effort and contribution. Socialism is founded on personal immobility, government control of production through central planning, and price controls. Socialism predetermines and distorts proper allocation of goods and services as the government wishes (not the citizens), restricts innovation, and redistributes the existing wealth “Pie” based on arbitrary administrative decisions of the government “elite”.

While no system is perfect in all respects, history has proven that Free Market Capitalism works best for maximizing economic growth and prosperity and improving living standards. History has also shown that Socialism does not work and over time retards economic growth and prosperity, and produces a lower standard of living. The demise of communist Russia, China under Mao, and the current European Union fiscal and debt crises are recent examples of the failures of Socialism and central planning. Our government should realize that it cannot tax and spend America into prosperity. Only growth in the private sector can create long-term prosperity and new jobs for our nation. The government should get out of the way, reduce regulations, shrink spending and entitlements, reform personal and business taxes, and let the innovative forces of Free Market Capitalism work.

Our current socialist-oriented, anti-business government has assaulted and discouraged innovative opportunities by enacting legislation and imposing regulations that restrict our ability to engage domestically in creative and profitable endeavors. These policies, including taxation, have stifled domestic investment, encouraged companies to create new jobs offshore, and suppressed the economic growth for which our nation is famous. If Obama’s policies continue and he is reelected, the “Middle Class” will suffer most from the continuing consequences of our economic stagnation. The current “Middle Class” will increasingly join America’s “Dependent Class” who rely on government handouts that sustain and maintain lower living standards. Is this the future you want for our nation and your children?

The factors that have made our country great and the envy of the world are the equal opportunities to improve ourselves through personal hard work, innovation, risk-taking, and thrift. To grow and prosper as our nation has historically done, we need to return to our foundations and encourage entrepreneurial opportunities for wealth creation based on individual freedoms, free markets, private property ownership, and limited government. We don’t need a handout; we want a hand up. Without government support and encouragement for vibrant and profitable financial and business sectors, our economy will continue to underperform. This will result in less, if any, economic growth; less, if any, wealth to redistribute; and fewer, if any, new jobs. Wealth is not created by attacking the institutions and individuals who create it. The choice for the future of our country will be ours at the 2012 election. Vote wisely.

The Old Guy PhD